Webinar: EV-ChART Data Format and Preparation Guidance (Text Version)
This is a text version of Webinar: EV-ChART Data Format and Preparation Guidance, presented on June 6, 2023.
Bridget Gilmore, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation: We'll wait just a couple of minutes as we're letting folks enter in the room. Thank you so much for being here today. We'll get started in just a couple of minutes. Looks like we've got already 80 some folks here. That's great. Thank you all so much for being here. All right, for the sake of time, I will start us off. Thank you once again for being here with the Joint Office. Today's webinar is going to be delving into Data Format and Preparation as a part of the final rule, which we commonly refer to as 23 CFR 680.112. So that's the specific section of the final rule that we are going to be discussing today.
Just as a little bit of familiarization with Zoom. If you haven't used the Zoom functionality, the controls are located at the bottom of your screen. And so if they're not appearing, you can actually move your cursor to the bottom edge, and you should be able to find specifically that Q&A function. So this is where we're hoping you will direct your questions today for today's webinar. This is a great way to make sure that the panelists can actually see your question and find it and actually respond to you directly. So please do put your questions in there.
As a disclaimer, this webinar is being recorded and may be posted on the Joint Office website or used internally. And if you speak during the webinar, or use your video, you are presumed to consent to recording and the use of your voice or image. So as an agenda, I'll do a short introduction, go over the intro slides for the Joint Office. So if you've been here before, I changed it a little bit. And then we will hear a presentation from our great data team discussing the data format and preparation walkthrough. And then we will save plenty of time for questions and answers. So do please feel free to put those in the Q&A function.
As a bit of background, if you're not familiar with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, our mission is to accelerate an electrified transportation system that is affordable, convenient, equitable, reliable, and safe. And our vision is to see a future where everyone can ride and drive electric come into fruition. So we are supporting, in the near term, four Bipartisan Infrastructure Law programs.
We're helping to provide unifying guidance, technical assistance, and analysis, specifically for the NEVI program. So this is the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program. It's $5 billion over five years to build out a national EV charging network along designated alternative fuel corridors. And then we're also supporting the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program. This is $2.5 billion over five years for community and corridor grants for EV charging as well as alternative fueling infrastructure. We're also supporting the Low-No Emission Grants Program for transit bus deployment. So this is in support of low or no emission transit bus deployment. And then the Clean School Bus Program, which is $5 billion in support of clean school bus deployment.
So in terms of our technical assistance, we're working with states, communities, tribal nations, transit agencies, and school districts, and we are conducting one-on-one meetings with states to address questions and concerns related to the NEVI Formula Program. We have a great concierge service, so you can feel free to reach out to us via phone, or email, or our web form, which I will show what that looks like, to have your inquiry routed to the right folks at the Joint Office. And we have a lot of staff members that are supporting us as we're looking to intake all of these great questions coming in.
Our website is DriveElectric.gov. We have a lot of great information—it's constantly being updated—including infrastructure planning and implementation guidance, data and tools, news and events, and then our technical assistance request form. And just wanted to provide a quick reminder on some upcoming deadlines. So June 13 is the deadline for the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program, first round for applications. It was extended, so that one is June 13. And then the Joint Office has a funding opportunity announcement that is out right now. This is $51 million for Ride and Drive Electric funding opportunity. So our concept papers for this funding opportunity are due June 16.
So deadlines that are coming up. Just want to make sure folks are aware. And then these are two places specifically on our website that you might want to check out. So under News and Events, you can subscribe to news alerts. This is the best way to find out when program updates are out, when upcoming webinars are happening. So definitely do subscribe, if you aren't already. And then this is our contact form. It's in the top right of corner of our website. So this is where you can get in touch with us. So thank you all so much.
I will now open up the polling with help from Sam. If you could launch that first polling question, that would be great, so we can make sure we know where folks are coming from. Hopefully, we have addressed folks across industries. So this first question is, yeah, what sector are you coming from. So let's just keep this up in for a little while as folks respond. And then once we have a critical mass, we can feel free to close that. Great. Thanks so much. So it looks like we have a lot of folks from state government. Some folks from the federal and local government as well as public sector, from non-government public sector, across also private industry.
So thank you all so much for being here. We can go on to the next polling question. Great. So this one is what region of the country are you coming from today. Just to see if we got a good mix of people across the country or international, if that applies to you. It looks like an awesome mix. We do have four people who are international. And that's very cool. Thank you all so much for taking the time. And I will now stop talking and stop sharing and pass it along to Lissa, who will go into the presentation.
Lissa Myers, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation/National Renewable Energy Laboratory: All right, thanks, Bridget. Let's see. No, that doesn't look right. Let's try this. Are you seeing the presentation now?
Bridget Gilmore: Yes.
Lissa Myers: It looks right? OK. Great. Yeah, well, just want to echo I'm really glad everybody could join us here today. I think we had over 300 participants registered, so that's really exciting. We're really glad to be here today and share out with you all what our team has been working on really hard over the past several months with some help and support from folks at Accenture Federal Services.
I want to emphasize that what you hear today is not going to be the only time you're going to hear from us on this subject. As you'll learn, we have plans for moving into summer and fall and then into winter where we're going to come back to you all and share additional progress. Today's information is focused on the data format itself and the preparation of the data. We'll be coming back later to talk about data submission process and then how to utilize the data platform as we get closer to launch date.
So here, today, I have myself, Lissa Myers. I come from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. I have been with the Joint Office since we started where I am serving as the interim lead for the data and analysis team. And here today with me I have Joann Zhou from Argonne National Lab, Jean Chu from Idaho National Lab, and Ashlee Vise from NREL. So these folks are also all on detail assignment with the Joint Office and supporting the work on EV-ChART, which is what you're here today to hear about. Joanne and Jean are both going to present some of the content, and Ashlee is in the background helping to answer some of our technical questions. So if you have any of those questions, go ahead and pop those in the Q&A. And we'll try to address those as we go.
I wanted to let you know that we're focusing our agenda for today. Let's see, how to advance that. So Joann's going to walk us through an overview of the EV-ChART. So EV-ChART, or the EV Charging Analytics and Reporting Tool. And this is what the Joint Office was tasked to help develop in support of 23 CFR 680, and specifically section 112, which we'll talk about. And then Jean's going to walk through the two documents that we published towards the end of May just a couple of weeks ago, which is the data input template and the format preparation guide, which is the narrative guide that accompanies that document. Then we're going to walk through next steps, where we're headed from here, and including some opportunities for engagement with a couple targeted groups that we're looking to reach out to. And then we have our Q&A at the end. And we have saved a lot of time for Q&A, so we can answer as many questions as possible. So with that, I'll go ahead and turn it over to Joann.
Joann Zhou, Argonne National Laboratory: Thank you, Lissa. So, yeah, thank you, everyone, for your time today. So the following slides, they will give you a quick introduction of the EV-ChART. And Jean Chu will follow my presentation to give you a detailed introduction about the data platform. They have a dictionary and preparation guidance that were released two weeks ago. So the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation is developing the electric vehicle charging analytic and reporting tool called the EV-ChART, which will provide a centralized hub for collecting and analyze electric vehicle charging infrastructure data directed by the Federal Highway Administration. We know this is as 23 CFR 680.
The purpose here is to really reduce the burden on the state, the charging provider, and other stakeholders who are responsible for the data submission. EV-ChART will include the one-time submission, annual submission, and quarterly data submissions required in the 680.112 data submission. So the objective here, again, is to—because this is centralized the data platform, we want to really streamline and standardized the data submission process. We will integrate a set of reporting analytical capabilities to help with future program evaluation or design. We will empower data sharing across different stakeholders. And also, we want to connect with other databases and the tools such as our Alternative Fuel Data Center for your further analysis needs. Next slide, please.
So EV-ChART will be a web based data submission portal and analytical platform that will enable data submission, curation, and consumption by different stakeholders. It is designed for all the founding recipients, and their subrecipients, and the contractors under the Title 23 federal funding programs. For example, the user who can submit data include but may not be limited to the state, the charging network provider, the charging station host, and the construction contractors. When the data is submitted, EV-ChART will ensure the data security and check the data quality and then provide reporting and analytical capabilities to inform future program management design and improvement.
Data in EV-ChART will be accessible by federal agencies, state, and local government, and others as directed by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. Aggregated and normalized data will be shared by way of public dashboard. Please note that the third-party data sharing through API under the 23 CFR 680.106 and 116 will not be included in EV-ChART. And we can talk about this more if there's a question in the Q&A. Next slide, please.
Data to be submitted to EV-ChART are required by the 23 CFR 680.112 to submit A to C. There is a one-time submission of a capital and installation cost data as well as the annual and quarterly data submission of post iteration operational data. Please note this is only a summary of the specific data fields. We will discuss the specific data field, the data format, and requirements in later slides when we work through the data input template and data format preparation guidance. Please also note that March 1, 2024 is the initial deadline for data submission. Next slide.
So what data will be—yeah, what projects are required to submit data to EV-ChART? So basically, all NEVI Formula Program projects as well as projects for the construction of publicly accessible EV chargers that are funded with federal funds, and the 23 USC, are required to submit operational data by quarter and by year. Those projects include any EV charging infrastructure projects funded with federal funds that are treated as a project on the Federal Aid Highway, NEVI Formula Program Project and grant awardee, and the 23 USC 115 151F. They are required to submit one-time capital and installation expenditure data. These projects are for EV charging stations located along, and are designed to serve the users of, a designated alternative fuel corridor. Next slide, please.
So when will EV-ChART be available? I already see some questions in chat about this. So we released our data format guidance about two weeks ago. Right now, we are having the first webinar. Folks on this Data Format and Preparation Guidance webinar, we can answer any questions about our guidance and data format to be submitted. During the summertime, we want to start user group engagement with a focus on estate agency users first. We also have industry feedback group form, and we have a later slide to talk about the details about that.
In the meantime, we'd like to start onboarding pilot users. So the pilot users will start to test the data platform and submit some mock data to the platform, help us to refine the data platform characteristics. In the same time, we will have the second webinar focused on a data submission process. After that in December, we will start early data submission process. Some of the states, we understand, already have their RFI in place, and some of the chargers could be installed and start operations by the end of this calendar year. So we'll issue guidance for those stations to submit data before EV-ChART comes online.
In February 2024, that's the time we expect to launch EV-ChART officially. And at the same time, we'll have the third webinar focused on an EV-ChART tutorial, to work through how you could use the platform to survey the data, visualize the data, and doing analytical reporting capabilities. After the release, we'll still provide technical assistance to any questions about using our data platform. Next slide, please. So with that, I will transition to Jean to talk about EV-ChART data preparation guidance. Thanks.
Jean Chu, Idaho National Laboratory: Thanks, Joann. So the first document we published for EV-ChART is the Data Format and Preparation Guide and Data Input Template. So this is our effort to provide a standardized structure to all the data that's being required in 680.112. And so those are the data that will be collected by—submitted to EV-ChART. So we take the—also, those two documents are currently available on DriveElectric.gov under our Data Analysis Tool.
And so we take the required data, required in the 680.112, and then structured data into an input template as an Excel spreadsheet. And that's also including the data dictionary in there, including all the data fields that are supposed to be submitted to EV-ChART. And then along with this document we have the Data Format and Preparation Guidance document that provides more explanation and guidance on how to prepare and use this data input template. Next slide.
And so in that input template, the first—so there's a total of 10 tabs you can find in this input template document. The first tab is the data dictionary. That's a summary of all the data and providing the definition of what those data are about, and accepting values, and including examples of what this data field should look like. And then there's also reporting and constraint information. I'll explain that later in the slide. And then so in this example, there are different modules providing—so—and after the data dictionary, there are a total of nine modules that are structured with different categories of data being required 680.112. Next slide, please.
So the nine modules are included. The first one is Station Location and Charging Station Sessions. The third one is Uptime. Fourth one is Outage. And fifth one, Maintenance Cost Information. And then Station Operator Identity Information, and the seventh module is Station Operator Programs. The sixth one is Distributed Energy Resource Information. And the last one is to Capital and Installation Costs.
So as you can see here, so different modules will have, based on where they are in 680.112, they have a different frequency of submission. And then so here is just a list of some examples of what are the attributes, including in those modules. This is not an exhaustive list. And then so within this different module, the module is being categorized in the way in terms of their frequency of submission, and also the type of information that's being required for different modules. The next slide, please.
So here's an example of one of the modules. So this is module 4, Outage. So module 4, Outage, is supposed to collect the data related to the outage duration. And that goes on, including which station the outage duration is related to, the port, and then the outage ID which is a date and time, so which is the starting time of the outage. And then the last column here is the outage duration in minutes. Next. So when you fill this information—next slide.
So when you will fill this information in the input template, you can see here there's an identifier of the station ID, where this outage happened, and then which port is this outage associated with, and then the outage ID is the date time, the starting date of this particular outage, and then the information related to the duration of the outage. So for each field that should be filled—to be filled out in this inputting template. And then there is a modular structure in a similar way. Next slide, please.
So more information, you can find in the Data Format and Preparation Guidance that provides you information on the submission frequencies, what kind of data type, and then the reporting requirements and the primary key information. So here, for the data submission frequency, there are three different types of frequency that Joann had mentioned earlier. So the one time data is required by all—so it's only required for the 20 Title 23 projects that aren't under designated alternative fuel corridors. So those are for the corridor projects—can we move back to the previous slide?
So that's where the quarter—so—so the one-time data submission is only for the corridor projects. And then that includes the station location information, station operator ID, the [INAUDIBLE] information, capital and installation costs. And they are only submitted one time for each station. And then for the annual and quarterly data, so the annual data, including the maintenance cost, station operator program, they are submitted on or before March 1 each year. And for the quarter, including the charging session data, uptime and outage data, they should be submitted at the end of each calendar quarter. So here we define the calendar quarter March—January to March would be the first quarter, and so on and so forth. Next slide, please.
And in the Data Preparation Guidance, you can also find different data types that are being included in the data submission. So there are a total of five different types of data. The first one is a string with limited—sorry, with unlimited maximum characters or with a defined maximum length. So for this example, the station stage is structured as a string with a limit of two characters. So that means IL will be used for Illinois. And for date time, data type, so that's reporting as in year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds. So those data should be reported in Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. And then for the decimal data, so we defined in the data dictionary what defined the maximum number of digits per minute and then the length of the decimal place required.
And there is also some data that's in Boolean, which makes this true or false relative data such as whether there is a distribution energy resource on site. So that would be true or false data reporting. And the last data type is integer or the integer (X). So that's including a numerical number that's greater than or equal to zero, and then we have x to specify the maximum value that can be reported. For example, the program reporting year, that's an integer four, which means there should be four digits for the calendar year. Next slide, please.
And then in the Data Preparation Guidance, there's also an explanation on what is the difference between required data and the recommended data. So the required data are data actually required in CFR 680.112. And then recommended data that are not directly called out in CFR 680.112, but we are highly encouraging you to include those data because those are the data we think will enhance the programming evaluation and analysis. So those data should be submitted with the required data in the input template.
And then there's also the last one I want to explain. Here is the primary key constraint. So for each module, we identify unique identifiers with one, or more than one, primary keys that allow us to uniquely identify a single record. For example, in module four, the Outage information. So the information there is trying to identify an individual outage. And then so that requires the primary key as the station ID, the port ID, and outage ID to uniquely end by a single outage. And the reported data will be the duration of that outage.
So the station ID and port ID you can see here is used repeatedly as the primary key. And then station ID and port ID should never be changed or modified or renamed during the program. And then in 680.112, it's also specified that station ID and port ID must be the same as the data that being available through third party API. That's in 680.116. Next slide. So now I'll shift it back to Joann.
Joann Zhou: Thank you, Jean. As we mentioned, we are starting to engage the different user groups in the next one to two months during the summertime. So what do you expect next? We'd like to form a state agency pilot group. And if you are interested in participating in the group, please contact Ashlee through the email listed on the website. So the group will be available—will be able to provide feedback on our functional ability and user experience for the tool. You will be able to test the data submission process by providing mock data. We would like to get your feedback on how we can refine the capability of the tool, especially the analytical capability and the usability of the tool. You will be asked to participate in group or individual discussions with the Joint Office. We already have had several states indicate their interest in participating in the pilot group. Please let us know if you're interested to join us and we'll start the pilot group conversation soon.
Next slide. So after forming a state agency pilot group, we'd also like to engage with industry partners. So the industry partner, we specifically focus on the agency, the entities that who will submit the data, who will be responsible for submitting the data for your state or for your direct funding recipient. So in this group, likely you will also provide feedback on functionality and user experience of the tool, test the data submission process, and provide mock data later on. However, in this set up, although we are still in the development of how we want to engage with the interested partners, likely you will be participating in individual discussion with the Joint Office. So any industry partners, if you are going to be responsible for submitting the data, please contact Ashlee, again, through the same email listed on the website, if you're interested to join our pilot group.
So what to expect next? So additional guidance will be published. So now we've published our data preparation and data dictionary guidance. Next time, we'll publish the data submission process in full. So that submission process will include, for example, the requirements of the file, file size, file type, and a method for you to submit information. And also, in early 2024, we will have for the third webinar focused on how to use the EV-ChART platform when we release the platform to everyone. So again, additional webinars focused on those two items will be in fall and early next year. And if you're interested to know information about an upcoming webinar or technical assistance information, please sign up to receive updates on DriveElectric.gov. Next slide, please. With that, back to Lissa.
Bridget Gilmore: Great. Thank you all so much. I know Lissa and team have provided a lot of great answers. If you look at the Q&A function, you can also click to the answered ones. But some of them might warrant talking a little bit more about as well. I know that we have gotten a few questions on if this tool can be used outside of NEVI projects, outside of Title 23 projects. Some folks have asked about other federal funded projects, like the Clean School Bus Program, or even other state agency funded charging projects. So yeah, I was wondering if you'll—
Lissa Myers: Yeah, I'll take that one. Super excited that there's a lot of interest and acknowledging that folks might be interested in that. As of right now, we're funded for this specific purpose to support implementation of FHWA 23 CFR 680. However, we all on this call are super interested in data, that's what our background is and interest area is. And so it's something that we'll just put a pin in for now. It's noted that there is this interest, but the purpose for EV-ChART, at this point, is specifically for those Title 23 funded programs.
Bridget Gilmore: Thank you. And I know Lissa did provide a nice answer for this and see that there's kind of one more that also speaks to it. But folks are wondering if data submissions are expected to be handled manually through this data input template, or if there will be some sort of automated data submission method. Some folks noted maybe like the limitation on the number of rows in an Excel spreadsheet, that type of thing.
Lissa Myers: Yeah, so as we mentioned, this is just the first step, right? Our next step is really that process piece that the several questions have been asked about. So, of course, our goal is to try to accommodate as many methods as we can so that we can be really inclusive of how the information comes to us. But those are all the detailed, design, architectural questions that we're sorting through right now as we're developing the system. And it's part of the reason why we want to have these pilot stakeholder groups that we reach out to folks because we're trying to make sure that we do this in a really thoughtful way. So I cannot answer that question definitively at this point but know that we are trying to figure out how we could accommodate many different avenues for submission of the data.
Bridget Gilmore: Great. One question came in asking about if there is any plan or possible mechanism to get outage or reliability data for the already existing charging ports or ports that are installed by other types of entities?
Lissa Myers: Yeah, so this is kind of a two-part question. So one is, I would say, that EV-ChART is being set up for the new stations that are being funded with Title 23 program funds, right? So if it's an existing station that has no new funding associated with it, then as of right now, our system is not being designed to support that. There is the reliability webinar happening on Thursday, right, Bridget?
Bridget Gilmore: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Lissa Myers: Where I believe there will be some discussion around that topic. So that might be another opportunity to chime in and get some more information there. But as of right now, EV-ChART will not be designed to accommodate existing stations' reliability information.
Bridget Gilmore: Got it. One question came in asking if others can join this pilot group beyond the state government contacts?
Joann Zhou: So, yeah, with primary focus on the state agency who will be responsible for the data submission, and you can designate your sub-recipient or contractor who will submit the data. However, in this pilot group, we want to focus on the state agencies. And if you already selected a contractor or consulting firm representing you for data submission, please send the request to the same email listed on the website—sorry, on the slide. And we'll include based on our evaluation.
Bridget Gilmore: OK, great. Yeah, maybe, I don't know if Ashlee's back there, but if you want to drop the email that folks should reach out to, that would be great. One question was asking about if there could be further clarification kind of on what data will be open for everyone. I know, Joann, you had listed kind of like the specific parts of the final rule that are not going to be part of the EV-ChART as well. But, yeah, maybe some further discussion on what types of data will be publicly accessible.
Lissa Myers: Yeah, I can take this one too. So, again, just bringing in the distinction that this is being set up for 23 CFR 680.112, which has some very specific data fields. And as directed by that regulation, the data is to be aggregated and anonymized. So anything that is made publicly available will be aggregated and anonymized, that's the information that's within EV-ChART. We are sorting through right now, that's some of the other discussion that we're having around what should those dashboards look like, what should those analytic capabilities do, how can we make it as open as possible while still honoring that requirement that we aggregate and anonymize the data.
So we are sorting through what the different permissions levels, and viewability is, and the whole sort of structure of that right now. So will it be open for everyone? Not all data will be open for everyone to see, but we will make data available to the public. As far as section 116 goes, again, EV-ChART is not directly collecting that data. That's data that is required to be made available to third party entities via API. So, again, EV-ChART will not be directly collecting that information.
Bridget Gilmore: OK, this is probably in a similar vein. One person asked that many states have been approached by universities and colleges for access to charging data, will states be able to point to this tool for data requests from these types of groups?
Lissa Myers: That's a great suggestion, and something that we need to consider and part of the reason why we want to hear directly from the states about that. So we need to understand what those interests are and then figure out how we can try to accommodate those kinds of things, understanding that there is going to be some limitations on what's viewable.
Bridget Gilmore: Right.
Lissa Myers: In accordance with the regulation.
Bridget Gilmore: Great. This is a more specific question. If a charger needs to be replaced at any point, would it use the same charger ID as the prior one or would it get issued a new charger ID for the replacement of a charger?
Lissa Myers: Great question. Someone else want to take that?
Joann Zhou: I would let Jean take that one. We just discussed it before. Yeah, go ahead.
Jean Chu: So I think it depends on what kind of situation is. I think, supposedly, the charger—the charging station ID will remain the same. And then so the charger ID may—so charger, it depends on if it's the same station. If it's same station, the station ID should remain the same. When the equipment got replaced, and then so that's a different ID number. So the station ID should remain the same. But if there's, by any chance, there's a station completely being replaced and then there's a new ID number being available on the third party API so that number should be updated on our database because those two database by the rule needs to be aligned. So whatever is published in the third party API should be the same charge—station ID on our platform.
Bridget Gilmore: OK. Got you. So you're also making the distinction there between the charger itself and maybe the charging station.
Jean Chu: There potentially will be equipment replacement on site, but then the station ID should remain the same, if it is just a replacement of equipment.
Bridget Gilmore: Got you. One question came in about the quality control, quality assurance protocols. So what will these types of protocols look like? Will there be any sort of data submitter auditing?
Joann Zhou: Yeah, again, as Lissa indicated earlier, so we are still in the process of a design, a platform, and a structure. So on back to the data verification, we will use, for example, the data guidance we just released. So we have a table showing the data schema, basically, the data type, and also acceptable range of values. So the first step of the platform are going to check the data value on a data type. And again, we are still working on the data platform development. We will have a more guidance later on for the verification process.
Bridget Gilmore: And this might be kind of a similar answer since a lot of things are still in the works. But one question is what types of security are in place to protect the information that's being shared?
Lissa Myers: Yep, so I'll start with that. So first of all this is being built in the DOE environment and will follow—and being built in a cloud hosting environment with certain security protocols that are in place. And so we are building this system in accordance with the policies and protocols that are already in place for building this kind of system within the DOE environment. So we can probably provide more details later, but there is going to be some specific security features. And I don't know if, Jean, or, Joann, you want to add—elaborate on that.
Joann Zhou: Yeah, I think just to add that we'll make sure that the anomalies is then the public, and segregated data is available for public view. However, for the funding recipient, the direct funding recipient, you will be able to see your own data. And we'll work with you to make sure that the data is within the platform does not is—as long as they are not aggregate or anomalies, that should not be seen by the public. And this will be regulated—this will be controlled by a Joint Office working with the funding recipient together.
Lissa Myers: And I'll just add on a QA, QC question. Really great question about protocols for QA, QC of the data. So ultimately, the state agencies or direct funding recipients are responsible for the data submission, but we're intending to build into the user experience or the portal the ability for a state to review and accept or reject data that has been submitted. So we are trying to plan to build in some of those functionalities as well as being able to flag data that doesn't look right right. So we're trying to figure out how much of those functions we can accommodate in the system right now.
Bridget Gilmore: Right. And this is another specific question. Thinking kind of about the station versus the chargers that are at that station location and wondering about how to represent the latitude and longitude of the grouping. Is it that you use one of the chargers in the station location? Is it the central point between those charging stations?
Jean Chu: So I can answer that. So for the last one of that information, so it's point to the specific station. And station is defined as a group of chargers. So any location that direct drivers to that group of chargers will work. So which means you have—you can pinpoint just one, and then the rest of the charger is supposed to be just next to each other. So that's kind of what we consider as a station. So we don't—so the lat long should be at one point of that group of chargers should work.
Bridget Gilmore: OK, sounds good. This question, if the system isn't compatible with existing stations, can existing stations be considered NEVI compliant, if they can't submit data to this portal?
Lissa Myers: Yeah, so if there's any Title 23 federal funding utilized, then it would be the station would be required to submit data to EV-ChART. As to whether or not an existing station could submit data to EV-ChART, I think that's something we're still sorting through. We're trying to figure out how we could sort of separate out stations that have received the specific federal funding from stations that have not. So I don't want to say it's not going to be possible. It's just that we're designing the system to accommodate first and foremost the stations that are funded with that federal funding.
Bridget Gilmore: For new NEVI funded…
Lissa Myers: For new—so, any new funds that were used.
Bridget Gilmore: OK. Looks like we've gone through a lot of these questions. Will EV-ChART maintain uniqueness of station IDs when station IDs are being generated for multiple states or charging providers? So thinking about Georgia versus Ohio, station 1 and 2, how to make sure each station has its own unique string, I guess?
Joann Zhou: So that's the thing we're currently working on. So we expect the directed funding recipient, when they register EV-ChART, to use the data platform and designate their contractor to submit the data they need to provide with this station ID. And that station ID needs to be unique and also needs to be consistent across the modules. If there's a case where you think the station ID will be the same in other projects and other states, I think that's a scenario we need to consider. We need to take that question back and discuss how we sort out that situation. And, Lissa, I don't know whether you want to add…
Lissa Myers: No, that's fine.
Jean Chu: And one thing to mention. The data being submitted, including station ID, will also involve in the—so we will also know where the station is, which state. So there will be a way to distinguish that. And also, the Alternative Fuel Data Center has unique station IDs for all the stations in the country. So there will be a way for us to distinguish those stations, even if there's potential of a duplicated station ID being used in different states. But we will have to consider that and figure out how to streamline that process.
Bridget Gilmore: Right. So this question is kind of an estimate around the number of cohorts that might end up using this platform on a quarterly basis. So from kind of the data management side of things, just wondering, how much data might be received?
Lissa Myers: It's a great—great question. Probably the two biggest questions we get asked is, when is the first station going to be reporting data, and how many stations are there going to be. We don't really have a great sense of that right now. It's totally going to depend on all of the NEVI state plans, and when those stations get installed, and how many there are. And then all the CFI grants that are being considered right now as well as other Title 23 funded programs. So it's a little up in the air. I mean, we have sort of huge magnitude type questions that we're trying to answer, but I don't have a specific answer for that right now.
Bridget Gilmore: OK. This is another good in the weeds question. So in the data template, it includes the field for session error for charging sessions. And this person is wondering that charging session errors can happen at the same time as a session, but they're not directly associated with sessions according to the OCPP protocols. So I think, essentially, he's wondering where to find specific information, if people have questions kind of wondering about specific fields. Where they should be directed?
Jean Chu: So I think we're going to look into that, what kind of scenario we're looking at here. And the rule he is mentioning is basically saying, providing an error code for a failed charging session. So it's supposed to be linked to a specific charging session that's being failed and what's the error code associated with that failure. But I can look—so we will look into the specific cases. And then to see what's in prescribing the OCPP 1.63.
Bridget Gilmore: Right, yeah, and I would imagine too, if this person wants to submit this to our contact form, it might be a good one to have in our intake so that I can put a link to that in the chat as well, but that's the DriveElectric/Contact if you have specific questions. We could probably keep track of them that way too. One question that came in, are there plans to finalize the recommended values for certain fields included on tables in the guide?
Lissa Myers: Yeah, great question. So we were—the required fields are those that are required per the federal regulation. The recommended fields are fields that we, Joint Office, feel are—would help enable greater depth of analysis with the data that's being submitted. So they are not required in order to be submitted in accordance with the regulation. But those are fields that we, with our professional judgment, feel are fields that would help enrich the data and analysis that's coming in. So in terms of being finalized, they're final in the way that they're being presented but they're just recommended. They're not required data fields, if that makes sense.
Bridget Gilmore: Yep. This question that came in—
Lissa Myers: And I should just say, and we strongly encourage people to fill out the recommended data fields.But again, not required for the regulation.
Bridget Gilmore: Got you. If you see "recommended" and have the time, seems like a great thing to fill out. This one question came in more about tracking the different plan open and close dates. I think this might also be for the requests for proposals. This is a great question, and one I would also encourage submitting to our contact form. We can get you some more information about tracking—tracking those plans. This question came in about the lag time for data entry. How many days, months after the quarter ends? I guess, thinking about when is the data going to be submitted. And—
Lissa Myers: Yeah, also a great question. This came up just the other day in another conversation we were having. So I think this is a question we will answer after we have a chance to coordinate with FHWA on this and make sure that there's no planning things that we need to be aware of. So that's something that will be covered when we talk about the submission process, so in future guidance.
Bridget Gilmore: Cool. This question: is there any thought to identify a standard API for states' provider data that will be made available to third party software developers. So I guess, is there a standard API?
Lissa Myers: Yeah, no, I know there's a lot of interest in this as well. So the Joint Office right now is sorting through that and determining whether and how we can provide some guidance on that. So I think that's just one that's TBD. I understand the need and interest in having something like that. So we're working on that.
Bridget Gilmore: Got you. And one question came in asking kind of about how long do you folks need to submit this type of data? How long, I guess, when will the data submission period end for this process?
Lissa Myers: Also a great question. So the program funds are for five years of O&M. So in theory, the system should be up and running for at least five years after the last federal dollar is spent. And I think that within the DOE, we have interest in a much longer—greater longevity of the system as well. So I think these are all things that are being debated right now. In terms of the requirement, it's associated with the program funding, which has the five-year O&M stipulation. Beyond that, we would like to see a life beyond that within the DOE. But those details have not been sorted out at this point in time.
Bridget Gilmore: This is a good question, if you submit—so we were talking about the recommended values. So if you submit a recommended section one quarter, are you required then to constantly submit that same data field or is it—or for that reporting period, if you have the data?
Lissa Myers: I think, if I understand—the quarterly data is quarterly for that particular station and session level data. So each time you have to submit the data, it's for the previous three quarters, right, Jean? You can correct me, if I'm wrong.
Jean Chu: I think the question is related to, if they in this quarter, they added some of the recommended session data. In their—
Lissa Myers: I see.
Jean Chu: —next quarter, they don't submit that, is that OK?
Jean Chu: Ideally, we want to receive that constantly. But then if that's the case, we only receive that for one quarter and not the next one, it's recommended, so it's not a requirement.
Joann Zhou: Yeah. Yeah, but we still encourage people to submit on a frequency the recommended.
Jean Chu: I mean from an analysis point of view, it's definitely—and the program evaluation—it's definitely more valuable to have that information constantly received.
Bridget Gilmore: Makes sense. So this is a question again on uptime. What's the difference between uptime and kind of an outage module is how it's phrased. Seems that the uptime module already contains the outage data. So I guess these are the nine modules you all have listed. How to understand, I guess, the difference between those ones?
Jean Chu: So, yes, so the outage is just associative like in particular—so the outage module is trying to capture every single outage event we have. So it's trying to capture the duration of the outage. And then—so it's by outage event. For example, the charging station's down for three days. So that's the thing we've come to capture here. But the uptime is trying to calculate a percentage of how frequent—a percentage of how much time this charging station is being available and operated.
So that's a percentage of total year within the year, how much percentage of the time this charger is being available. So it's trying to capture two different things. One is capture how long each outage lasts. Is it a one-minute outage, or a five-day outage? The uptime is just trying to capture—is trying to capture, in terms of the reliability point of view, how reliable in terms of the percentage of uptime is this particular charger. So it's trying to capture two different kind of information, even though they are all associated with downtime of a station or a port.
Bridget Gilmore: Yeah, it looks like there's definitely a lot of great information both in the template and in the guidance document. So hopefully more specificity there to hopefully consult with. It looks like we went through all of our questions. I know I kind of threw them out there fast and furiously. So if there aren't any more, I can close out. Does the team have any parting thoughts on EV-ChART before we transition?
Lissa Myers: No, just thank you for your time today, and please feel free to send us questions through DriveElectric.gov. We really do try to consider all of those and respond when we can. So that's a great way to have any questions that didn't get answered here today answered by us moving forward. And just again, to reemphasize, this is not the last time you'll be hearing from us. We plan to reach back out as soon as we have more information to share related to the submission process and then again for how to use the system once we get closer to having it ready to launch also.
Joann Zhou: And also please help us to improve the data platform by joining our pilot group, both the state agencies and the industry partners.
Bridget Gilmore: Awesome. Yeah, Lissa, actually, if you want to stop sharing your screen, I just have a couple—
Lissa Myers: Oops, sorry.
Bridget Gilmore: I just—no, you're all good. I just have a couple of additional slides to show what webinars are coming up. So folks know to be aware, be on the lookout. We just have two on the books right now. So the next one is going to be Ensuring a Reliable Charging Experience actually happening this Thursday. So hopefully if you have more questions on uptime and thinking about cybersecurity as well, those topics will be addressed. And then we also are going to have a webinar on Workforce Development in the EV Charging Industry.
So please do check that out and subscribe to the news alerts so you can get apprised of when the webinars are happening as soon as possible. And yeah, like Lissa said, please do feel free. There's that DriveElectric.gov/contact, if you have specific questions that you want to make sure get captured. And we can get back to you as soon as we can. But thank you all so much for attending today. And hope to see you at another Joint Office webinar soon.
Lissa Myers: Thank you.
Joann Zhou: Thank you all.
Bridget Gilmore: Thanks so much.
Joann Zhou: Bye.