FHWA Releases Updated NEVI Formula Program Guidance and Requests AFC Round 7 Nominations
June 8, 2023

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has updated its National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program guidance and released its Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC) Round 7 designation request for nominations.
NEVI Formula Program State Plan Guidance Updates
FHWA has updated its NEVI Formula Program guidance. The $5 billion NEVI Formula Program provides dedicated funding to states that deploy electric (EV) charging infrastructure. Under NEVI, each state is required to submit an annual EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan describing how it intends to use its NEVI Formula Program funds in accordance with the guidance. NEVI guidance offers background information, funding opportunities, and program guidance related to the deployment of EV charging infrastructure to build a convenient, affordable, reliable, and equitable national network of EV chargers. Plan updates are to be submitted no later than August 1, 2023, for FHWA approval.
For the August 1, 2023, deadline, all states must adhere to the latest guidance released on June 2, 2023.
In addition to the updated program guidance, FHWA released an updated EV infrastructure deployment plan template and updated NEVI Formula Program program Q&A. You can find the latest state plan update template and guidance on DriveElectric.gov.
AFC Round 7 Request for Nominations Opens
State and local officials can now nominate corridors for AFC designation until June 21, 2023. FHWA updates and redesignates AFCs by requesting nominations in response to advancements in alternative vehicle technology, increasing market adoption, and rapid expansion of EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure. As part of Round 7, FHWA is requesting input on proposed roadway subsystems eligible for freight EV corridor designation along the National Highway Freight Network, which include the primary highway freight system, other interstate portions, critical rural freight corridors, and critical urban freight corridors. FHWA will review recommendations and modify the proposed freight EV corridors as appropriate.
Alternative fuel corridors are designated and strategically deployed to support investments in EV charging and other alternative fueling infrastructure along major highways. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law further supports the importance of establishing AFC through its NEVI Formula Program and the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program. Both programs provide eligibility based on AFC designations.
Reminder: CFI Deadline is June 13, 2023
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program applications are due June 13, 2023. Additional information can be found in the recently released CFI FAQs.