Mpact Transit + Community Conference
Oct. 21, 2024 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET
Hosted by: Mpact
Speaker: Jeff Peel
201 N 17th S, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Organizer's description: Large-scale efforts are underway to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. Like anything, effective policy and action requires input from different fields. But to no one’s surprise, not everyone agrees on the correct approaches to take. Should the solutions be all-EV? Or does monomania about EVs perpetuate harmful land use patterns? Is the goal to install EV chargers in every zip code, for equitable access? Or does that just lead to even more driving? These are just some of the positions our speakers will debate. Join the Joint Office's Jeff Peel at "Curbing Climate Change with EVs: A Debate.".