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Technical Assistance and Resources for Communities

The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) offers resources and provides technical assistance to communities at all stages of interest, planning, and deployment of zero-emission vehicle charging and refueling infrastructure.

Communities across America are essential to the development of an electrified transportation system that is convenient, affordable, reliable, and safe. As the nation experiences the most significant transportation transformation in a century, coupled with innovative but unfamiliar approaches to zero-emission transportation, communities need support. The Joint Office is dedicated to partnering with communities to ensure the successful deployment of zero-emission vehicle charging and refueling infrastructure. Funding is critical to the success of efforts to deploy a network of electric vehicle chargers and zero-emission fueling infrastructure. The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program and the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program provide dedicated funding to help support the deployment of zero-emission vehicle charging and refueling infrastructure.

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program

The CFI Discretionary Grant Program from the Federal Highway Administration provides $2.5 billion through two $1.25 billion discretionary grant programs to strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in communities where people live and work and along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFCs):

  • Community Charging and Fueling Grants: This program will strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure in urban and rural communities.
  • Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants: This program will strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated AFCs.

These programs will ensure infrastructure deployments meet priorities such as increasing access in underserved and overburdened communities (also referred to as disadvantaged communities), supporting rural areas, building resilient infrastructure, addressing climate change, and improving AFC networks.

The CFI Grant Program has awarded $622.57 million in grant funding to 47 applicants to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the places people live and work, in addition to along designated AFCs.

Another resource to guide the buildout of community alternative fueling infrastructure is the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation (AFLEET) CFI Emissions Tool. This resource can assess estimated emissions reductions from EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated AFCs.

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program

The $5 billion NEVI Formula Program provides dedicated funding to states to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability.

Under this program, each state is required to submit an annual EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan that describes how the state intends to use its apportioned NEVI Formula Program funds in accordance with federal guidance.


Securing funding is critical to the success of efforts to deploy a network of electric vehicle chargers, zero-emission fueling infrastructure, and zero-emission transit and school buses. The Joint Office continually lists updates on funding opportunities.

Funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) are also listed on, the portal for numerous grant programs administered by federal government agencies, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) eXCHANGE for all EERE FOAs.

Learn more about the $54 million FY24 Communities Taking Charge Accelerator funding opportunity administered by the Joint Office through DOE for projects that will expand community e-mobility access and provide clean reliable energy. 


Below are resources for communities preparing to plan and deploy EV charging infrastructure.

This guidebook offers interactive resources to help communities and other stakeholders plan and build infrastructure to support a zero-emission transportation system.

This white paper from the Joint Office and U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center coalesces emerging practices and technologies that can bring the benefits of electric mobility infrastructure to residents in multifamily housing, residents dependent on curbside or on-street parking, and those without access to privately owned electric vehicles.

This toolkit provides resources from DOT to assist rural stakeholders with planning for EV charging infrastructure.

This case study from a pilot streetlight charging project in Kansas City, Missouri, highlights the role of community engagement when addressing EV charging deserts. The pilot project was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office.

This guidance document from the Rocky Mountain Institute, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, and the Sustainable Energy Action Committee supports local code officials with planning and zoning for EV charger deployment.

These summaries from DOE's Clean Cities and Communities partnership draw out lessons learned and key considerations for engaging stakeholders, site selection factors, and permitting/policy elements for EV charging projects.

This is the educational media channel for DOE’s Clean Cities and Communities.

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) provides information, data, and tools to help fleets and other transportation decision makers find ways to reach their energy and economic goals using alternative and renewable fuels, advanced vehicles, and other fuel-saving measures.

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance is available to help community stakeholders implement electric and low- and zero-emission technologies.

Joint Office Community Technical Assistance

The Joint Office provides technical assistance to states, communities, and tribal nations implementing projects under federally funded EV charging opportunities. Technical assistance resources are also available to transit agencies and school districts deploying low- and zero-emission school buses. Technical assistance support can range from quick responses to questions on funding opportunities, data, and resources to in-depth, hands-on assistance and analysis. In-depth technical assistance connects communities with a research team who provides direct technical support to help accelerate the successful deployment of zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure.

Examples of in-depth technical assistance include:

  • Planning for deployment of EV chargers and zero-emission fueling infrastructure.
  • On-site battery energy storage and mobile power generation options.
  • Power needs analysis and tips for working with your local utility.
  • Infrastructure siting needs and support.
  • Training and workforce development opportunities.

Contact us to request Joint Office technical assistance.

Other Available Technical Assistance

  • Clean Energy to Communities Program – Through the Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) Program, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, other national laboratory experts, and select organizations provide three types of technical assistance support to communities to address energy challenges and questions, including in-depth partnerships, peer-learning cohorts, and expert match.
  • FHWA Training on Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Deliver Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – This one-day in person training course is offered through FHWA’s the National Highway Institute (NHI). States, local governments, and non-profit organizations may sign up to host the course (NHI course no. 231033) free of charge at: Course participants will be introduced to public-private partnerships (P3s) and the potential benefits and challenges in using a P3 to deliver EV charging infrastructure. Participants will learn how P3s for EV charging infrastructure can be structured to address its unique market characteristics and key steps to procure a P3 for EV charging infrastructure. Contact with questions.
  • Department of Transportation Thriving Communities – Provides technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support.
  • Clean Cities and Communities – Clean Cities and Communities supports transportation stakeholders through technical assistance with affordable, efficient, and clean transportation fuels; energy efficient mobility systems; and other fuel-saving technologies and practices.